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During this pandemic, The Swan Center is prioritizing both survivors of violence and those dedicated to keeping them safe. As the data and think pieces surrounding COVID-19 related IPV continues to rise and gain readership, we’ve noticed an essential piece of this puzzle related to trauma-informed care was missing from the conversation: Service Providers.

These real-life superheroes who change in telephone booths (mostly just public restrooms though), move mountains in the middle of the night, and answer the cry of those impacted by violence, pandemic or not, should be amplified and shown some TLC. While we can’t give you all Hazard Pay or clear all Student Loan debt (we really really REALLY wish we could), we will offer to hold space for you, welcome you, and allow you to vent in safe spaces. It’s the least we can do.

Below you will find information on the Center’s for anti-violence professionals seeking virtual gatherings. These include a Book Club, DIY series, and a new twist on an old-fashioned venting session. Take a look and email for more information.

What’s your reading pleasure?

Here is a list of some of our faves for you to check out. We will be adding a longer reading list soon so stay tuned!


Do you need a little direction with your yoga? Try this amazing video from APAW 2021’s Trauma-Informed Yoga session with Gina Roch from Brooklyn Bridge Flow Yoga!

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We hear you…

It’s hard to navigate the nuances of the varied facets of our life when our first priority is to support those impacted by violence. Layer a pandemic on top of all that and the pressure to be all things to everyone can almost seem unbearable. The Swan Center offers a guided outreach that lets off steam and reminds us to bloom where we are planted. Email us at for interest in participation.